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Showing posts from December, 2023

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

  Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a breathing disorder that occurs during sleep. There is an obstruction of the upper airway. The area from the nose down to the lungs is narrow. This is because the soft palate muscles are flabby. Until causing periodic stopping of breathing while sleeping and symptoms of snoring. Causing the risk of health problems such as high blood pressure. Stroke Coronary artery disease. It is also an important cause of death, found in more men than women. In the age before 35 years, approximately 20% of patients with this disease will be found, and in the age of 35 years and above, the proportion of patients with this disease will be found at 60%. This is because as age increases, the body's fitness deteriorates. The soft palate muscles are flaccid which causes snoring. Symptoms to observe While sleeping, the patient will have twitching limbs and nightmares, such as dreams of falling from a height or water, causing him to wake up and wake up. It was detected that t

KETO vs IF weight control options for good health

  It's time to come back! Lose weight for your health. The most popular weight loss trends are KETO and IF.  So how are KETO vs IF different or the same? Today we have an easy to understand summary of both types of weight loss. Before deciding Let's get to know each other first!  KETO or Ketogenic weight loss with the concept of 'increasing' calories from eating protein and fat while also 'reducing' calories from carbohydrates. Keto is defining 'food' by eating Low-Carb, High-Fat. IF or Intermittent Fasting is eating at set times. Most people prefer the 16:8 formula, which means fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 hours. During the fasting period, you cannot eat food that provides energy at all. Except for drinks that do not provide energy such as water, tea or coffee without added sugar, etc. Therefore, IF means determining the 'time' to eat each day. If you choose to eat KETO or IF, how will the weight disappear? KETO: When we focus on eati

Constipation...tells us at risk for colon cancer

 - Constipation is defecating less than 3 times per week. The stool is hard and dry. It takes a long time to completely excrete and when finished, it still feels like it's not finished at all. - If you have regular constipation blood in the stool along with unexplained weight loss. or are pale or tired, you should immediately see a doctor for treatment. - People over 45 years old or have a family history of colon cancer. They are considered to be at risk of developing colon cancer. Although constipation is not a dangerous disease, if neglected and chronically constipated for a long time, it may lead to certain complications such as ulcers in the large intestine. Hemorrhoids , etc., as well as sometimes being a warning sign of colon cancer. Causes of constipation include: -stress -Eating foods with little fiber or there is insufficient quantity -Drink a little water -Lack of exercise -Accustomed to frequently taking laxatives or enemas -Likes to hold back stool -It may be caused by

10 cool, low-calorie drinks that you can enjoy without fear of gaining weight.

  1. Water   If you're on a heavy diet, choose to drink plain water first. You may drink cold water frequently to help quench your thirst and relieve heat. It also helps stimulate the metabolism in another way. 2. 100% orange juice You can add a little more salt to the orange juice to make it taste more mellow. This glass has only about 122 calories. 3. Tomato juice    Fresh tomato juice poured over a glass full of crushed ice. Just imagining it makes you feel a little happy, right? This glass still provides only 41 kilocalories of energy. 4. Smoothies   Make smoothies to drink at home . Choose fresh fruits like strawberries, apples, kiwis, oranges, mixed with yogurt and low-fat milk. Control calories strictly with your own two hands. 5. Milkshake    If you don't like the blended version, you can add ice and drink straight, but with the caveat that it must be low-fat milk only. 6. Black coffee    Pure black coffee is a calorie-free drink. If you want something refreshing, just

7 behaviors that help keep diabetes under control

 Diabetes is a chronic disease that cannot be cured. Patients must therefore use medicine to control their blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. However, using medicine alone cannot control blood sugar levels. Therefore, changing the patient's behavior and diet plays an important role. Diabetes is a disease caused by an abnormality of the hormone insulin, which controls blood sugar levels. When the aforementioned hormones are abnormal, the body is unable to efficiently use the sugar in the bloodstream, resulting in the amount of sugar remaining in the bloodstream being higher than normal. How to adjust your behavior to avoid diabetes 1. Control sugar levels Reduce sweet consumption habits and avoid food, snacks, and drinks. It consists of various types of sugar such as honey, granulated sugar, cane sugar, palm sugar, sugar cubes, as well as sweeteners. Because these menus are hidden with unexpected sweetness. which will increase blood sugar levels. It also increases th

8 ways to “quit drinking” permanently

1. Must be truly determined. The first element is the most important. It is the intention to quit. It consists of having to consider the dangers and toxicity of alcohol first. Most people tend to think that once they get drunk they will get better. Learning about the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol can help us quit more easily. Whether or not you can quit alcohol is a question. It depends on our intention most of all because it is more important than any drug. Quitting alcohol is very difficult, but being careful not to get addicted again is even more important than when you quit. 2. Set a goal that you will quit with. Set a goal of wanting to stop drinking for someone. It is also something that can help you stop drinking. Examples include wanting to stop drinking for your parents, wanting to be a good role model for your children, and your own good health. 3. Change your drinking habits Change your drinking habits. For example, people who regularly drink alcohol may find

6 important factors that cause bad breath

  When you have bad breath and your breath smells bad. Such problems are embarrassing and can make you feel uncomfortable when socializing or being close to others. Therefore, a better understanding of the causes of bad breath is important. 6 possible causes of bad breath Including how to manage 1. You are not taking proper care of your gums and teeth. Plaque that accumulates around your teeth to increase bad breath, allowing bacteria in plaque to digest food particles in your mouth. Bacteria release gas that gives your breath the smell of food. To help us do this, brush our teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Use dental floss to remove plaque and food particles that can reach between your teeth. 2. You may be having gum health problems. Bad breath can be one of the early signs of gum health problems. This is caused by the accumulation of plaque around your teeth. If the plaque isn't removed, it can cause bleeding problems while brushing and swollen gums. This is a symptom

Snoring can be treated

  What is snoring? Snoring is a sound produced by vibrations of the upper respiratory organs such as the soft palate, uvula, pharyngeal wall, and tongue. When there is obstruction of the upper airway It makes breathing difficult to pass through. The airflow swirls and the respiratory organs vibrate. Therefore, a snoring sound occurred. How many types of snoring are there? 1. Normal snoring There is some narrowing of the airway while sleeping. which causes noise to the bedroom occupants which is classified as not dangerous 2. Snoring that is accompanied by stopping breathing . The cause is obstruction of the airway while sleeping, causing breathing to stop. Therefore causing the snoring sound to be uneven. There may be waking up, holding your breath, breathing hard, or choking. causing the body to not receive enough oxygen What are the negative effects of snoring that involves stopping breathing? 1. Daytime sleepiness, affecting learning work, driving accident or control machinery 2. La

What causes vaginal yeast infection?

Vaginal candidiasis is caused by a fungal infection in the Candida group . The most common is Candida Albicans inside the vagina or vulva. Who has factors that cause vaginal yeast infections? - Diabetic patients with poor sugar control - People who are obese - Pregnancy - Wearing tight, damp pants - Frequent vaginal douching - Taking high doses of birth control pills - Prolonged use of antibiotics - Taking immune-suppressing drugs Steroid drugs - Immunocompromised patients - People with other chronic skin diseases - Your sexual partner has a yeast infection. What are the symptoms of vaginal yeast? - Itching around the vulva or inside the vagina - Red rash around the vagina May spread to the pubic area and groin. - Vaginal discharge, white, thick like milk There is an unusual smell. - Burning when urinating or having sex How is vaginal yeast treated? Vaginal fungus Can be cured by using antifungal medicines such as clotrimazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole. Medicine forms i

Metabolic syndrome

  Metabolic syndrome : The group of risk factors includes abdominal obesity (excess visceral fat), high blood sugar levels. high blood pressure and high blood fat levels That increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.    Excess visceral fat is the silent killer you might not expect. People who are obese will have a large amount of fat accumulated in their abdomen, the more around the belly. The more fat accumulates in the abdominal cavity. This accumulated fat is broken down into free fatty acids which enter the liver. This causes insulin to not work properly, resulting in " belly obesity ".which is the cause of various chronic diseases such as high blood sugar high blood pressure Hyperlipidemia, diabetes, coronary heart disease Stroke. Every 5 cm increase in the waist increases the chance of diabetes 3-5 times. Therefore, the bigger the belly, the The sooner you die." Excessive abdominal dangerous is it? Visceral fat promotes insulin resista

Urinary incontinence in women...what exactly causes it?

  In the past, we may have understood that urinary incontinence is a disease for the elderly. Nowadays, there are many women who are young but also have urinary leakage from coughing, sneezing, laughing, or while exercising. Let's get to know this disease.   Urinary Incontinence is a condition that causes urinary incontinence that can occur in all genders. Starting from working age until starting to enter menopause. It is caused by abnormalities in the nervous system or muscles of the bladder, urethra, and weakness of the pelvic floor. Factors causing urinary incontinence 1.Aging 2. Menopausal women :The hormone estrogen decreases. It causes the lining of the bladder and urethra to deteriorate. 3. Overweight or obesity 4.Childbirth: The number of childbirths contributes to the weakening of the muscles that control the bladder. causing the pelvic floor to sag Treatment 1.Change behaviors that cause urinary leakage, such as losing weight, changing eating habits. Avoid alcohol, caffei

5 risky behaviors "High blood pressure"

  High blood pressure (Hypertension) is a condition in which the pressure in the arteries changes higher than normal levels. The effects of blood pressure cause damage to the arteries. If you have high blood pressure continuously for a long period of time, it may lead to hardening of the arteries, resulting in clogged arteries. This is a risk factor for complications such as heart attack, paralysis and dementia. High blood pressure is a silent disease that often does not show obvious symptoms. Many people don't realize they have high blood pressure. If in everyday life there are risky behaviors that cause high blood pressure. It may be the cause of various diseases. Therefore, to reduce the risk of high blood pressure . Good information about 5 risky behaviors "High blood pressure" is here as a way to prevent it for everyone. Risky behavior 1. Heavy weight, obese figure Eat foods that are high in cholesterol, such as cakes, bakery goods, fatty meats, cheese, prepared food

How to take care of your kidneys to avoid "kidney disease"

  The kidneys are an organ that maintains the balance of various substances. They expel waste from the body by producing urine with the appropriate amount of components and volume. In addition, the kidneys also play a role in the functioning of various hormones, such as stimulating vitamin D and regulating calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. Creation of the hormone erythropoietin (erythropoietin) to stimulate the production of red blood cells. We must focus on maintaining kidney health so that it does not deteriorate prematurely. What causes kidney disease? Kidney disease can be caused by many factors. Both genetic, behavioral and environmental factors. Currently, it is found that the most common cause of chronic kidney failure is high blood pressure, diabetes, and urinary tract stones, and another important cause of kidney disease is taking medications that affect kidney function. It is often associated with taking large amounts of painkillers and taking certain herbal medicine