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The harm of electronic cigarettes that you yourself did not expect.

 What is an electronic cigarette?

“E-cigarettes” are a type of smoking device. It uses an electrical mechanism to create heat and steam containing various chemicals without the smoke that occurs with normal cigarettes. It consists of 3 main parts: a battery for generating vapor, heat (Atomizer) and liquid with various flavorings. 

– Nicotine, which is considered a type of addictive substance. It is a substance that makes the body addicted to smoking.

– Propylene glycol It is a component in substances for creating vapor.

– Glycerin is a humectant that is mixed with propylene glycol.

–Flavoring substances  : It is a chemical commonly used in food. It is safe when ingested into the body, but it has not been confirmed what effect it has on the body when converted into vapor that is smoked or inhaled.

E-cigarettes, dangers, health threats: The nicotine contained in e-cigarettes has the following health effects:

1. Central nervous system: Dizziness, sleep disturbances, headache and risk of blood flow

2. Gastrointestinal system: May cause stomach ulcers, diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, acid reflux, indigestion and cancer.

3. Muscular system: degeneration of the spine, joint pain, and body tremors.

4. Cardiovascular system: hardening of the arteries and increased clotting in the bloodstream, heart rate fluctuations, increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and irregular heartbeat.

5. Respiratory system: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cancer

10 ways to quit smoking

1. Create motivation for yourself.

   Motivation is the basic thing that helps to quit smoking. This may be caused by the person we love or by the health of the smoker himself. The rising price of cigarettes, social trends, or an environment where people are becoming more health conscious.

2. Ask for advice

    You can ask for advice from someone close to you who has experience in quitting smoking or directly from an expert. Currently, there are various agencies that provide advice on how to quit smoking.

3. Set goals for yourself.

    You should make your own plan to quit smoking. You must set a date when you will quit smoking in order to avoid procrastination.

4. Don't wait, take action immediately.

    You should start by discarding all smoking-related equipment and keeping nearby things that can help reduce cravings, such as snacks, candies, chewing gum, and citrus fruits.

 5. Avoid stimulants.

   During the period of quitting smoking, avoid activities or going to places that are smoking areas. Environments where people smoke may make people want to smoke more.

6. Don't obsess, don't make yourself stressed.

      Stress is another important factor that causes people who intend to quit smoking to return to smoking. This is due to the misconception that cigarettes help relieve stress. When you feel stressed You should stop your brain for a moment. Then relieve stress in other ways, such as talking with people around you or reading your favorite books.

7. Unshakable Stabilize your mind

  When you feel like you want to smoke, consider the motivations and reasons that made you decide to quit smoking. This will give you encouragement and determination to continue quitting smoking.

 8. Exercise regularly.          

   Exercise will also help control weight that may have increased from quitting smoking. It also helps to clear the mind and relieve tension. It can also increase the efficiency of the heart and lungs.

 9. Do not challenge cigarettes by going back to smoking again from time to time.

    Many people return to smoking from time to time thinking that it's OK. which returns to smoking again, even if it is only once in a while, eventually making it impossible to quit smoking

10. Don't be discouraged by having to start over.

  You should encourage yourself and try to remember that. “I will quit smoking this year”

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