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What causes a person to have no appetite?

Everyone has felt a loss of appetite and thought it was a minor issue, but it should not be overlooked because this condition can be a sign of many abnormalities in the body.

 1. Anxiety

Anxiety can reduce the appetite, but some people eat to help relieve this feeling. You may also find yourself feeling uneasy, irritable, unable to concentrate, nervous, wanting to cry, as well as feeling like you are breathing faster, your heart is racing, feeling light-headed, or feeling dizzy in your stomach.

How to deal with it: If you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, you should see a doctor, practice breathing exercises, and exercise to relieve stress.

2. Depression

If you suffer from depression, anorexia can be accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, sadness, guilt, low self-esteem, and anger at everyone. You may feel tired and anxious all the time. There may be thoughts of suicide. You will lose interest in things you used to like to do and lose interest in food.

How to cope: In addition to going to the doctor for treatment or taking medicine. Exercise can help relieve anxiety and improve your mood, making you more open to eating.

3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome causes intestinal problems such as changes in stool and stomach pain. You may also lose your appetite due to gas and bloating. However, pain or other symptoms usually subside after each bowel movement.

How to cope: Making small lifestyle changes can relieve some symptoms. You should also exercise, get enough rest, reduce the intake of beverages that stimulate the intestines such as cola, tea or coffee, avoid overeating and eat more fiber-rich foods.

4. Anorexia

People with anorexia often have a loss of appetite and weight loss.

In addition, patients will not be able to maintain a body weight suitable for their height because they are afraid of being fat. Even though you weigh less than the standard. Other symptoms of anorexia include restricting food intake, taking laxatives, and forcing yourself to vomit.

How to cope: Treat with behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, or medication.

5. Cancer and side effects of treatment

People with cancer may experience changes in their senses of smell and taste, which can affect their appetite. Examples of cancers that cause these symptoms include colon cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and stomach cancer.

 How to handle it: Don't eat large meals, but eat small meals. Substitute multiple meals or foods that are high in healthy fats such as coconut oil, avocado, or olive oil.

7. Alzheimer's disease

Dementia or Alzheimer's disease can cause you to have weight and appetite problems. In addition, some patients may forget to eat. If the body doesn't get enough nutrients, this will only make the condition worse.

How to handle it: Ask family members to help plan or cook the meal. Focus on eating freshly prepared foods that contain lean protein. Avoid foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol.

7 ways to make you eat more food

1. Drink enough water.

In one day you should drink approximately 7-8 glasses.

2. Eat more often.

You should force yourself to eat more often to allow your body to adjust. Use the method of eating several meals. There is no need to eat until your stomach is full. Try not to keep your stomach empty.

3. Eat foods that are high in energy.

Eating may start by eating light foods you like first, such as desserts or general snacks. After that, gradually move to eating foods that are high in energy, such as rice porridge, and various soups, etc.

4. Avoid foods that make the digestive system work harder.

Avoid eating fried foods, tea, coffee, or soft drinks because these things cause the digestive system to have to work harder. Your body will feel full quickly, causing you to eat less nutritious food. Try turning to fruit and vegetable juice instead.

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5. Exercise

Exercise approximately 1 hour before eating to help stimulate the digestive juices in the stomach. There is a feeling of wanting more food.

6. Go out to eat.

  Try eating out and trying new food. May cause increased appetite.

7. Take dietary supplements.

It is a method that many people like to use because it is more convenient and easier than other methods. You should choose dietary supplements that help with appetite and contain all 12 types of vitamins to help reduce vitamin deficiency.



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