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How to drink water to be good for your body?

  'Water' is an important component of the body because water makes up 60 percent of the body's weight. The body needs the right amount every day to maintain balance and use in various body processes.

How much water to drink per day is enough?

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have given recommendations for drinking water as follows:

-Women should drink approximately 2.7 liters per day (about 11.5 glasses).

-Men should drink approximately 3.7 liters per day (about 15.5 glasses).

Tricks for calculating water intake according to body weight

[Weight x 2.2 x 30/2] /1000 = Water volume (liters)

What time is the best time to drink water?

-Drink 1 glass of water after waking up.

-Late morning 2 - 3 glasses

- 1 hour before lunch

-In the afternoon, drink 2-3 glasses of water.

-1 - 2 glasses before dinner

-1 hour before bed

Benefits of drinking water

1. Helps the skin to look healthy and radiant.

2. Water helps prevent wrinkles because it prevents our skin from drying out.

3. Helps your eyes look bright and lively.

4. Helps add moisture to the skin.

5. Helps add freshness to the body.

6. Helps increase blood circulation and balance the body.

7. Helps increase relaxation and comfort.

8. Water helps the brain work faster and better.

9. Helps create more concentration. Those who are in school should give importance.

10. Helps reduce bad breath.

11. Helps slow down aging, keeping cells in the body from dehydration and functioning normally.

12. Help reduce symptoms of stress for people of working age, so it is necessary. Don't be so stressed that you forget to drink water!

13. Water helps reduce our body temperature.

14.Helps stabilize body temperature. Water can help build a healthy immune system for your skin. It also prevents various germs from entering the body.

15. Helps reduce back or waist pain.

16. Helps reduce joint pain.

17. Helps the joints in the body work better and move around easily.

18. Did you know that water is a wonderful medicine? Even though it doesn't have immediate results, it can help cure many types of diseases.

19. Water helps reduce symptoms of headaches and migraines to a greater or lesser extent. Migraine patients if their body is dehydrated or has not received enough water. The headache may become more severe.

20. Helps with digestion because it makes the digestive system function at full efficiency. It also helps prevent acid reflux disease.

21. For those who are constipated, water is very necessary.

22. Water helps to reduce body weight by reducing the appetite before eating.

23. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day will help reduce the amount of fat in our body.

24. Helps the heart work normally and efficiently.

25.Helps in excreting waste from the body.

26. Helps maintain strong kidney health. Benefits of drinking water.

27. Helps prevent kidney stones.

Can I drink other types of water to replace the water in my body?

    Other drinks such as soft drinks, tea, coffee, liquor, and beer will cause more water to be expelled from the body. Caffeine stimulates urination, causing the body to lose more water, and the sugar in these drinks causes high blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes. In diabetic patients, the blood sugar level is very high. They may have more problems urinating than usual.

    Patients with various conditions such as osteoarthritis, urinary incontinence, dementia, have difficulty getting up to go to the bathroom, making them unwilling to drink water. Patients in this group should drink water normally. You may arrange a time to drink water during the daytime and arrange a more convenient place to urinate.

Effects of not drinking enough water

- Thirsty

- Urinating less

- Dry mouth, dry tongue

- Mood swings

- Fatigue

- Very dark urine

What kind of water is clean and safe for good health?

- Choose drinking water that is clear, colorless, cloudy, tasteless, and odorless.

-Choose water whose packaging has a tightly sealed lid.

-People with kidney disease, heart disease, or other chronic diseases should consult their doctor about the amount of water consumption that is appropriate for them.

-Choose drinking water that has been certified by the Department of Health.

Contaminants that come with unclean water include:

If iron is introduced into the body in large quantities, it will affect health in many ways, such as gastrointestinal irritation. In severe cases with acidosis, blood vessels dilate causing blood pressure to drop. Long-term accumulation of excess iron can affect the liver.

Mercury: When the body has a large amount of mercury accumulated, it can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, or serious effects on the nervous system, such as blurred vision, unclear vision, affecting the nervous system, emotions, and memory, leading to dementia.

Manganese may be contaminated with substandard drinking water. This results in headaches, long-term gastrointestinal irritation and can affect brain cells.

Copper: If the body accumulates more than 100 milligrams of copper, it will result in gastrointestinal irritation, fatigue, loss of appetite, and vomiting. In severe cases, there may be hemolysis of red blood cells and affect liver function.

Germs contaminated with unclean water, especially coliform bacteria such as E. coli, Citrobacter, Klebecella. If these germs are present, they may result in infection, causing fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Disinfection of this group of germs can be achieved by various sterilization processes such as boiling water, pasteurization processes or through a water filtration system that has an effective disinfection system.

Even though plain water has many advantages, there are many people who don't like drinking plain water because they don't like the bland taste. It's different from drinking other types of water that have a sweet and delicious taste, such as soft drinks, bubble tea, tea, coffee, fruit juice, and sweetened water. If it's good for your health, drinking water as a habit will be one of the things that will make your body better.



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