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Prepare before having children

Preparing before having children, both physically, mentally, and environmentally, is important. Good physical preparation of mothers before having children will help reduce dangerous complications that can occur to mothers and children. The purpose of preparation before having children is to identify risks in couples that may affect children and manage those risks in a way that has as little negative effect on the child as possible. Including promoting health in various aspects to be suitable for future pregnancies.

The importance of preparing before having children

-For a safe pregnancy

-Birth of a healthy child with minimal complications.

1.Plan pregnancy from age no more than 35 years to reduce the risk of having children.

Planning your pregnancy early will make it easier for you to get pregnant. The right age for having a high chance of getting pregnant is between the ages of 20-30 years. The female body is strong and estrogen is in the reproductive period. In addition, pregnancy during this age There is also a lower chance of complications during pregnancy than at other ages.

2.Get to know the day of ovulation.

You may not have a difficult time having children. If you plan to have children, you need to understand your menstrual cycle. What time will you ovulate? Counting the days of ovulation is one way that may help increase your chances of getting pregnant. Having sex 1-2 days before ovulation will cause sperm to enter the ovaries and wait for the egg to fall so it can be fertilized until pregnancy eventually occurs. 

How to calculate ovulation day

Get to know 'ovulation'

Ovulation is another natural mechanism in the female reproductive system that occurs every month. On average, it takes approximately 28 - 35 days per cycle, starting from the first day of your period. The day of ovulation is the day when the most ripe egg comes out of the ovary and into the tip of the fallopian tube.

How to count ovulation so that your child will be pregnant?

It starts counting approximately 2 weeks before your new period arrives. For example, your menstrual cycle comes on the 28th of every month. Ovulation is on the 14th day of your cycle (the first day of your period is counted as day 1 of your cycle). Once you've counted the days, you can have sex about 2 days before ovulation, if based on the example above. It will be equivalent to having sex from the 12th day of the menstrual cycle because the sperm will be alive waiting to fertilize the egg for about 2 days before ovulation. Accurate calculation methods can only be used by women with regular menstrual cycles.

Signs indicating ovulation

-There is viscous mucus or vaginal discharge released from the cervix.

- Breast pain

- Pain in the lower abdomen on one side

- Increased sexual arousal

-Body temperature rises

-Sometimes there is a little blood from the vagina for a period of 1 - 2 days.

What to do when you ovulate doesn't work for every woman.

Accurate calculation methods can be used only by women with regular menstrual cycles. If your period is irregular, you should consult a doctor immediately because menstruation can be caused by many reasons and diseases that we may not know about.

3. Frequency of sexual intercourse

It is recommended that there should be every other day or 2 days at a time. You should not overdo it and have it every day. Although having it every day can actually increase your chances of getting pregnant, being tired can increase stress and make your sperm count less and less healthy. Including the position of intercourse can help in another way, such as the missionary position or the position where the woman lies on her back. For a man on top, this is the position where he will most easily have children. In addition, after having sex, it is recommended that the woman lie on her back with a pillow supporting her hips to raise it and hold it for at least 10-15 minutes to help. Sperm can mix with the egg better. (In the case of having regular sex for more than 6 months, it is considered infertile or difficult to have children.)

4. Change your diet

If you are planning a pregnancy, nourish your body by eating food from all 5 food groups and useful nutrients. It will help both women and men have healthy bodies and reproductive systems, ready to have children. Many types of food play an important role, such as

-Green leafy vegetables are high in folate and B vitamins. Helps accelerate ovulation in women and makes sperm in men stronger.

-Eat more nuts and grains because they are rich in protein and iron. They help women have a strong uterus and produce quality eggs.

-Eat fish that is high in protein, vitamin D, and low in fat, such as mackerel, salmon, etc., as well as increasing protein from plants rather than meat, such as beans, soybeans, or tofu.

- You should eat foods that contain zinc, manganese, and beta-carotene, such as carrots, which will help increase sperm count and progesterone levels. Apricots are high in beta-carotene and manganese. Both types of nutrients are used to create hormones.

-Foods that contain vitamin B12, which is involved in the creation of neurotransmitters in the brain related to sexual feelings.

-Eat foods that contain folate or folic acid, such as dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, avocados, and less refined grains. Whole-grain bread, spinach, beans, pumpkin, tomatoes, liver, egg yolk, etc.

5.Reduce stress

Stress interferes with the functioning of hormones in the reproductive system. Irregular menstruation, not ovulating, resulting in incomplete egg maturation in women. In men, the level of testosterone increases. and sperm decreased It is the result of having difficulty having children.

6. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes.

Caffeinated drinks may make it harder to get pregnant. Alcohol and cigarettes cause a decrease in sperm quantity, poor quality, poor health, hormonal abnormalities and reduced ovulation in women.

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