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Aromatherapy relieves stress and reduces depression!

  Aroma Therapy means treating disease using aroma Aroma-therapy uses the benefits of essential oils to balance the body, mind, and emotions. This principle was studied using the physiological principles of the human sense of smell. There are more than ten thousand types. The smell that humans experience each time It passes through the sense of smell which is above the nasal cavity. When various odors from pollen molecules pass through the olfactory bulb, connected to the limbic system which is the part of the brain that controls emotions and memories Properties of essential oils The properties in this volatile oil can be used by massaging it into the skin. Some have extracts that can eliminate bacteria, others help relieve skin allergies, and help tighten the skin. The scent obtained from herbal extraction stimulates changes in the emotional and mental state when the scent passes through the limbic system, such as helping to calm, help relax, help rejuvenate, help relieve stress, help
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10 ways to eat grilling safely and avoid disease!

  Grilled food or food that has been smoked has a risk of exposure to 3 types of dangerous substances: -Nitrosamines found in grilled squid, grilled seafood, and foods containing nitrates. which is a preservative such as fermented pork, sausage, bacon, ham, etc., can cause cancer . It may be one of the causes of liver cancer, esophageal cancer, and stomach cancer. -Pyrolysis : Pyrolysis are mainly found in charred, grilled foods and can biochemically combine with DNA to produce mutagens. -Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are the starting substances of carcinogens. This is the same substance that smokes from engine exhaust, cigarette smoke, and industrial furnaces. These 3 types of toxins occur while grilling food because fat or oil will drip onto the charcoal or stove, causing incomplete combustion and the formation of PAH substances. It rises along with the smoke that clings to the surface of the food and is found in large quantities. If grilled until burnt, if eaten regularly, there

What foods increase the risk of migraine pain?

  What foods increase the risk of migraine pain? Food can trigger the risk of migraine pain. Therefore, people who regularly experience migraine pain should be careful about their eating symptoms by choosing foods that help prevent migraine symptoms. It will help reduce the number and severity of migraine headaches and avoid certain types of food. What kind of symptoms should be checked before being called migraine pain? People who suffer from migraine headaches usually have a throbbing, pulsating headache. It usually occurs on one side but can occur on both sides or alternately. The pain is usually only mild at first and will gradually increase in intensity. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weakness, and increased sensitivity to light, sound, or smell. Migraine triggers When suffering from migraine pain, many people first look for medication to relieve their migraine pain. Assistant Professor Dr. Amit Chakdev, Faculty of Medicine Michigan State University, USA, recommends reducing f

Things you should and shouldn't do after eating a buffet or a large meal. If you don't want your body to break down!

Things you should and shouldn't do after eating a buffet or a large meal. If you don't want your body to break down!  1.Drink lots of water Drinking water helps your digestive system work better and prevents constipation. Water also helps flush out excess sodium that may be gained from large meals. However, it is recommended that you sip water periodically throughout the day. Don't rush to drink a lot of water at once after eating a buffet. 2.Look for drinks that help with digestion. We may drink herbal teas such as ginger water, lemongrass water, peppermint tea, chamomile tea, and basil tea, which have properties that help with digestion. Relieve bloating, flatulence, expel gas, making you feel more comfortable. 3.Eat fruit to help with digestion. Try eating 2-3 medium sized pieces of pineapple or drinking pineapple juice after eating to allow the bromelain enzyme in pineapple to help break down protein from meat into smaller pieces. There are also ripe papayas that contai

Warning signal! that says you are “malnourished”

  Don't wait to be hungry, don't wait to be thirsty, and don't neglect meals that are complete with nutrients because this will put the body in a state of incomplete nutrition, or what is known as "malnutrition." This condition does not only manifest itself through a thin body, but it can also cause harm to the body in many forms. Symptoms of malnutrition Symptoms of this disease depend on which nutrients the body lacks. General symptoms that may be observed are as follows: -Unexplained weight loss -Hair loss -Pale -Sleepy, tired -Dizziness -Having more appetite than usual -Digestive problems, which can cause constipation - Menstruation  is not normal. -Sensation or numbness in the joint -Can't concentrate -Depressed -Breathing problems -Heart palpitations -Fainted -Easily infected or sick Sick and recovering more slowly than usual -Young patients may have slow growth or be underweight. However, over time, some patients may become so accustomed to the symptoms

Intermittent Fasting (IF) done the right way can reduce your figure, reduce disease too, good value for your health

Intermittent Fasting is a method of losing weight by limiting meal times to  help control the amount of calories or energy the body receives. This will result in controlling body weight. Divide the principle of doing Intermittent Fasting  into 2 periods. – Meal time (Feeding/Eating) – Fasting period (Fasting) Who is Intermittent Fasting suitable for? Who shouldn't do Intermittent Fasting?! Losing weight using Intermittent Fasting requires fasting for a period of time. Therefore, Intermittent Fasting is not a weight loss method that is suitable for everyone because it has some limitations that if forced to do it may cause harm. The group that is not suitable for losing weight using this method is -Children under 18 years of age because they are still in their formative years. You should get enough energy and nutrients as a weight loss model. Intermittent Fasting can cause  malnutrition and have permanent effects on the body. -Those who are pregnant because it may cause the child

10 techniques for eating at a buffet without feeling guilty while controlling your weight

1. Don't starve before going to the buffet. Many people may skip meals all day when they know they are going to eat a heavy meal. In fact, fasting can make you crave and eat even more. Before heading to the buffet, we recommend eating vegetables and lean protein. Cooked by boiling, steaming, grilling, using few seasonings to  reduce sodium and oil content. It can be divided into small meals. In an amount that is enough to be full 2.Survey the food line and list the dishes that have passed the final round. When you get to a restaurant, take a walk around to get an idea of ​​what dishes are interesting and worth eating so that you can try as much as you want without forcing yourself to fill up the dish for later. Anything that isn't interesting can be brushed aside. 3.Principle: 1-2 tablespoons If after examining the food line you feel that almost everything looks delicious, Try it all Use the principle of 1-2 tablespoons when tasting. This method will give you a taste of how mu