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Showing posts from January, 2024

10 anti-aging foods

  Includes foods that help with wrinkles, nourish the skin, and slow down aging to share with girls. 1. Berries Berries contain antioxidants that are good for the skin. These are anthocyanins and phenols that help slow down aging that causes wrinkles, helping the skin to glow brighter. 2. Citrus fruits Orange bunches are high in vitamin C. That helps strengthen elastin and collagen to make the skin firmer and firmer. Antioxidants and minerals, if you eat oranges often, will add radiance from the inside out. 3. Soy milk Soy milk is another good source of protein. It contains a substance called isoflavones. which helps reduce wrinkles Increases the production of collagen in the skin layer. Makes the face look firm and healthy. 4. Salmon/Tuna   Protein from fish, of which tuna and salmon are excellent sources of natural protein. Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which help stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Keto breads and Keto desserts >> Click 101 Anti-Aging

10 symptoms of Burnout syndrome and taking care of yourself

    Burnout Syndrome is a type of psychiatric disorder. It is caused by working too hard and not getting enough rest. This causes attention and efficiency in work to decrease. In addition, chronic stress can cause this disease as well. Dr. David Ballard, Association of Psychologists American psychiatry has revealed that the cause of this disease is your poor ability to cope with stress. It makes you unable to cope with a lot of stress. Ignoring your mental illness can result in damage to your health, happiness, relationships, and productivity. It may result in depression which is more dangerous as well. Dr. Ballard has recommended easy ways to recognize symptoms from this disease as follows: 1. Fatigue A clear sign of Burnout Syndrome is feeling tired all the time. 2. Lack of motivation 3. Bad mood, negative thoughts 4. Not able to concentrate 5. Work efficiency decreases. 6. Having problems at home or at work 7. No time to take care of yourself 8. Engage yourself in work even when yo

Natural herbs reduce the risk of diabetes.

    Diabetes occurs not only in elderly people, but also in children and teenagers. Research has shown that the cause of diabetes comes from food choices. Diabetes is more painful for those who have it because you may have to avoid your favorite foods and live a life that is much more careful than before. Young people who see themselves as still young and strong. If you are unable to take good care of your health. Diabetes will definitely come upon you.     Diabetes is a disorder in which the body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, causing high sugar levels in the bloodstream. Normally, sugar enters the body's cells for energy under the control of the hormone insulin, but for people with diabetes, the hormone insulin cannot work effectively. This causes the blood sugar level to rise, resulting in a buildup of blood sugar. The body is unable to store sugar, so it is released with the urine and eventually becomes diabetes.  If left untreated in the long term, it will res