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Menopause and taking care of yourself


 The World Health Organization defines it as the age at which menstruation permanently ends because the ovaries stop functioning and reproductive ability stops. It is usually counted when menstruation has been missed continuously for 12 months or 1 year.

Symptoms of menopausal women

physical symptoms

- Hot flashes are the most common physical symptom in postmenopausal women. This is a symptom that results in a decrease in quality of life. The most common symptoms are heat in the body and face, which may be accompanied by sweating on the face. The symptoms can occur both during the day and at night.

- Inability to hold urine, urinating frequently

- Decreased response to sexual stimulation and pain when having sex and not reaching climax

- Itching, burning sensation , Irritation in the vaginal area due to vaginal dryness and thin vaginal walls

- Heart palpitations are a symptom that can occur periodically. And there is no definite pattern. Menopausal women may experience anxiety due to not knowing the exact cause.

- Bone and joint pain

Mental symptoms

- Common mental symptoms are depression, forgetfulness, short attention span, and irritability. It was found that depression is the most common symptom and has the greatest impact on social integration.

Health care for menopausal women

- Food: Choose nutritious foods. High in calcium, reduce starchy and sugary foods, avoid eating high-fat foods, increase fiber-rich foods, drink lots of water.

- Emotions: Control your emotions, practice being positive and always have a cheerful mood.

- Exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time.

- Reproductive health: Have an annual health check and undergo regular screening for cervical and breast cancer.

- Environmental Health: Live and work in an area with a clean and hygienic environment.

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