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Benefits of meditation for your mental health

 Benefits of meditation and how to meditate effectively

Origin of meditation

The practice of meditation has been around for many thousands of years. Initially the goal was tied to religion to achieve meditation and access to the mystical power of life. Times have changed and meditation has become a way to relieve stress and anxiety that we are all familiar with these days.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation is based on the principle of merging the body and mind. Makes those who meditate feel relaxed both physically and mentally. Even just a short period of meditation is quite beneficial and is also a technique that helps with mental and emotional therapy very well.

-Increase awareness of things in front of you and be mindful of the present.

-Open new perspectives in dealing with stressful situations

-Increase stress management skills

-Helps the brain be more clear.

-Reduces negative emotions

-Increase patience and tolerance

-Promote imagination and creativity

Types of meditation

Which type is most suitable for us?

Relaxation and meditation techniques have many different branches and applications to many other techniques.

One of the most popular forms of meditation is mindfulness meditation, which involves being aware of what you are doing and the thoughts and feelings that are occurring in the moment. In a positive or negative way and how we are expressing ourselves in order to create a mental shield from being disturbed by the surrounding environment. Don't be too alarmed by various situations.

This type of meditation practice can be easily done on your own throughout the day. You can start by examining your physical and emotional feelings when you wake up in the morning. Then breathe in and out slowly to adjust your mind and get ready to start a new day. Then try creating positive energy by looking carefully at yourself in the mirror and giving praise or encouragement to yourself. Including doing your daily routine slowly to open your senses to perceive things around you, including sight, taste, touch, smell, and sound, such as the smell of coffee, the taste of food, and the sound of birds. Singing outside the window and various distant sounds

Other meditation practices that are as widely known as Mindfulness include:

Focused Meditation is the act of concentrating on one thing at that moment using all five senses, such as counting rosary beads, looking at candle flames, listening to slow rhythmic sounds.

Meditation using imagination (Visualization meditation) is a technique of visualizing a place or event that makes you feel relaxed. If it is good, try to use your various senses, including smell, sight, hearing, and touch, to imagine as many details as possible.

Meditation with movement is to increase concentration and focus by using slow movement methods such as yoga, walking in the park, doing qigong, tai chi, etc.

Mantra meditation is the practice of repeating sounds to make the mind more calm and clear. You may pray in words. Is it a short phrase or a long prayer? You can pray aloud or not as well. It is a meditation technique that helps increase your awareness of your surroundings and your life.

Transcendental Meditation

It's similar to chanting, but goes deeper into choosing the words to chant to suit each meditator specifically. Suitable for those who want to practice meditation seriously and meditate deep within.

Progressive relaxation, also known as Body Scan, is a training technique to increase relaxation and reduce tension in the body. Using the method of relaxing the muscles one section at a time. It is a popular form of meditation for stress relief and bedtime meditation.

Cultivating loving-kindness

It is a mental practice to increase understanding and compassion for oneself and others. It often starts with practicing opening your heart to receive love from others. Send greetings or good wishes back to loved ones, friends, acquaintances, or even animals and other living things. This technique may also be suitable for people who are feeling angry or resentful.

Each type of meditation has its own advantages. Some techniques can be done on your own, but others may be more effective with the guidance of a professional. If you want the form of meditation that best meets your needs. Initially, you may try to choose 2-3 techniques that interest you and then practice basic meditation to see if they are suitable for you or not.

How to meditate effectively for beginners

-Choose a place with a quiet atmosphere and a feeling of relaxation, free from distractions.

-The goal is to start meditating from a short period of time, about 5 or 10 minutes.

-Sit in a comfortable position and be confident that if you sit for a long time you will not feel tired. There is no need to sit cross-legged to meditate. May sit in a chair, recline, or do not need to sit if it is a walking meditation practice.

-Begin meditating by focusing your awareness on the in-and-out breath.

-Be mindful of the thoughts that arise while meditating. Whenever I feel like my concentration on my breathing has slipped away. Slowly return your focus to your original breathing.

-Look at various thoughts that arise in the form of observation and perception. Don't get so caught up in thinking that you develop negative feelings about yourself. You shouldn't tell yourself to stop thinking about everything because this will only create more thoughts.

-Gradually end the meditation and return to normal. If your eyes are closed, slowly open them, then remain calm for a moment to observe the sounds or surroundings. Explore the sensations that occur in the body as well as the emotions and thoughts that arise after meditation.

At first, many people may find it difficult to meditate. There is no need to force yourself to do it longer than you can. You should do it 3-5 minutes a day and then gradually. Increase the time little by little. Because the timing of meditation is not as effective as the regularity of doing it. Many people who practice meditation find that meditating every day for just 10 minutes a day.

It helps to feel calm and more mindful in living life.


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