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Tips for taking care of women's periods & 20 things you should know about menstruation

 Menstrual irregularities

Whether your period is too much, not too much, comes in short periods, or has menstrual cramps that are so severe that you have to stop working. That could be a warning sign of serious disease. Therefore, you should consult a doctor immediately.

20 things you should know about menstruation

1.Normally, girls start menstruating when they reach adolescence, which is around 12-13 years of age. However, it has been found that girls as young as 8 years old have already had their periods. Nowadays, girls tend to have menstruation at a younger age.

2.One factor that causes early menstruation is...obesity.

3.During the first 2 years of menstruation, menstruation tends to be irregular because hormone production is not yet balanced.

4.Normally, the Menstrual irregularities occurs every 28 days, but this depends on age. If you're not yet 21 years old, there's usually a gap of about 33 days. When you're 21 years old, there's usually a gap of 28 days. When you're 40 years old and over, there's a reduced distance of about 26 days.

5.Women have their period on average for 6 days. It was found that approximately 5% of women had their period for less than 4 days.

6.If your period lasts more than 7 days, it is called heavy menstruation.

7.9-14% of women will have heavy periods, meaning more than 7 days.

8.If your menstrual period lasts 8 days, it is considered abnormally heavy. It occurs in approximately 4% of women.

9.The cause of heavy menstruation is often due to hormonal imbalance, resulting in the creation of too much or too thick endometrial lining. This causes the process of peeling off the lining of the uterus to turn into excessive or prolonged menstrual blood.

10.Menstruation is abnormally heavy. It may be a side effect from taking hormones, chemotherapy, inserting an IUD, antiplatelet drugs or blood clotting drugs, or taking birth control pills.

11.Menstruation is heavy and has been too many days. May cause anemia. The most prominent symptoms are fatigue,  and palpitations.

12.Women who do not menstruate often have low estrogen levels. Which causes osteoporosis in the future. Taking hormones will help.

13.When aged 50 years and over or close to menopause Instead of menstruation coming less often, it came back more than usual.

14.Menstrual pain is caused by the uterus contracting and relaxing forcefully to expel blood from the uterus.

15.Abdominal pain may occur several days before menstruation. When your period comes, the pain will improve on its own.

16.Women with severe menstrual cramps or menstruation is often irregular, there may be uterine tumors and infertility.

17.About 10-15% of women will have menstrual pain to the point of having to stop working.

18.Medicines commonly used to relieve menstrual cramps include aspirin, ibuprofen.

19.A common menstrual irregularity is no menstruation or no period. with excessive periods

20.If menstruation is excessive, it may be caused by abnormalities in the reproductive organs. Therefore, you should see a specialist doctor to check your vagina and cervix to see if there are any lumps, sores, or polyps. Cells are collected from the cervix to check for infection or inflammation. The doctor will feel the uterus and ovaries to see if they are normal in size or not. Does it hurt when you press? Or have you found any abnormal lumps?

The uterus is related to menstruation. If abnormalities occur in the uterus, whether it be uterine tumors, endometriosis, or certain types of cancer such as cervical cancer, uterine cancer, or ovarian cancer. Menstruation will also be irregular. Therefore, if there are abnormally heavy periods, menstruation not coming, or coming and going, including increased menstrual pain or a lot of vaginal discharge. You should see a doctor for a thorough diagnosis.

Tips for taking care of women's periods

- Apply a hot compress to help tense muscles relax. Try compressing the hot water bag for 3-5 minutes at a time and you will feel your stomach pain improve. This method has been researched to reduce pain as well as taking painkillers. If you don't have a hot water bag, you can use a towel soaked in hot water instead.

- Playing sports such as jogging, swimming, walking helps to relax and relieve stress. Exercise regularly at least 3 times a week or do yoga. It will help reduce menstrual pain.

-Drinking 6-8 glasses of warm water/day reduces bloating. Makes the blood circulation system better or mix mint leaves or a little lemon It will help a lot.

- Ginger juice can help reduce menstrual pain. Ginger helps reduce the secretion of prostaglandins, which are substances that cause the uterus to contract, causing menstrual cramps. Drinking just 1-2 glasses of ginger juice per day will help reduce menstrual pain.

-Avoid cigarettes and alcohol, which can increase the risk of menstrual cramps.

-Get enough rest to reduce tension in the body and brain. Find time to sleep at least 6 hours a day.

-Dressing should wear loose clothing. You should not wear tight-fitting clothing because it will make you feel uncomfortable and increase abdominal pain.

-Using certain vitamin supplements Supplements that can reduce menstrual pain include vitamins B1, B12, vitamin E, fish oil, or Magnesium. However, there are not enough studies on the use of these vitamin supplements. Therefore, it is recommended to eat nutritious food. Get complete vitamins and minerals.

-Eat low fat foods, increase vegetable intake. Anti-Inflammatory food or foods that help fight inflammation such as cherries, blueberries, tomatoes, bell peppers can also help reduce pain.

If you try these various methods along with taking painkillers and it still doesn't get better, you have more menstrual cramps every month or have heavy periods as well. That's a warning sign. It's best to see a doctor for a diagnosis to find the exact cause.

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