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Benefits of a plant-based diet and precautions

 What is plant based?

In principle, eating a plant-based diet is eating food that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, spices, herbs, nuts, and grains that are not refined or minimally refined. These are natural foods that are not processed or minimally processed. Eating a plant-based diet is an option for people who want to supplement with protein but want to avoid meat protein sources. At present, there are many processed plant-based products, such as Plant Based Protein or Plant Based Meat, which do not contain meat, milk, eggs or honey and retain their nutritional value.

What are plant-based food sources?

-Dried beans (Beans) such as soybeans, mung beans, black beans, red beans, chickpeas, lentils, which are complex carbohydrates, high in protein and dietary fiber that help in excretion. Helps reduce the absorption of fat. It also helps maintain blood sugar levels well.

- Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, chestnuts, pistachios, peanuts, sweet nuts that are low in carbohydrates. It is high in protein and good fat (HDL), which helps reduce bad fat (LDL) in the blood vessels.

-Seeds such as flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds that help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

-Whole grains or whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, brown rice, or wheat pasta that are higher in fiber than refined grains. Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, chronic diseases and helps control weight.

-Vegetables and fruits: High-fiber vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, spinach, carrots, corn, guava, green apple. That helps cure constipation, stimulates excretion and helps remove toxins from the body as well.

-Soybeans, tofu, and edamame are rich in protein. Prevent prostate cancer, prevent osteoporosis, help nourish the skin.

What are the advantages of eating plant-based foods?

Eating a plant-based diet has many academic studies supporting it to improve your health. Symptoms gradually improve because the plant-based diet is similar to the vegetarian and Mediterranean diets. It focuses mainly on vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, Greek yogurt, fruits, nuts and grains that are rich in fiber and antioxidants. Especially olive oil “King of Oils” that contains high amounts of oleic acid, a type of good fat. which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and cerebrovascular disease. 

In addition, eating plant-based foods has many other health benefits, such as:

- Helps reduce the risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, metabolic syndrome and certain cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer, or prostate cancer. In addition, various plants such as almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias or walnuts are also a source of protein and good fats that help with memory and help reduce depression.

-Helps control weight more easily. Plant-based food has little cholesterol and helps reduce fat absorption. Continuously eating Plant Base foods along with regular exercise will help reduce your BMI or body mass index to a better level. Many people who are losing weight choose to eat a plant-based diet while losing weight so that it is easier to maintain their figure and not have to worry about the amount of calories entering the body too much.

- Helps prevent disease. Eating a plant-based diet consisting primarily of vegetables and grains each day. Helps prevent Alzheimer's disease, dementia and some chronic diseases. Helps suppress inflammation of the intestines diseases of the digestive system and make the intestines strong. In addition, it was found that eating a plant-based diet also reduces the incidence of arthritis. Helps improve liver function. Helps strengthen the kidneys and helps slow down the deterioration and aging process of the body.

- Helps you feel full for a long time. This is because plant-based food is a food source that is high in fiber. Contains complex carbohydrates which help keep your stomach full for a long time. Helps control appetite and helps in excretion

-Helps conserve the environment by eating plant-based food, emphasizing eating natural food that has not been processed. This helps reduce carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases in transportation and product processing. It saves energy and helps preserve the environment very well.

How do we start eating plant-based food?

Eating a plant-based diet can be difficult at first as your body needs to adjust.

People on a plant-based diet may start slowly by including a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables with every meal. Including whole grains such as salad greens, brown rice, oats, lean meats or whole wheat bread and foods with good fats such as nuts, seeds and avocados will help keep your stomach full for a long time.

Start eating a plant-based diet. Each meal or snack should consist of 2/3 vegetables and no more than 1/3 meat or animal products, including eggs, cheese, yogurt, or honey. After that, when your body I'm used to eating more vegetables. Try limiting your intake of meat or animal products to one serving per day. Plant-based foods are a nutrient-dense food group that is high in fiber, healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is a healthy way of eating and can meet all the nutritional needs of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to eat plant-based foods along with regular exercise. People who need advice on how to eat systematically. You should consult a nutritionist, dietitian or nutritional doctor for a preliminary physical examination and to determine an appropriate eating schedule for your individual needs. This is to achieve systematic results of good health from the inside out.

Precautions for eating plant base

Eating plant-based foods can have negative effects on your health. If you choose to eat food that is not beneficial to your body or not receiving enough nutrients in the amount that should be received. Those who are deciding whether to consume Plant Base food should know about the following precautions:

Read the label before eating.

At present, many forms of artificial meat (Plant-based Meats) are produced, such as steak, burger meat, and sausage, which are made from protein from beans, vegetable oils, and various grains as options for people who eat plant-based foods. However, artificial meat is often high in sodium and low in protein, vitamins and minerals. There are also food additives to make the smell, color, and taste similar to real meat. Therefore, you should read the label and consume in moderation.

Additionally, some plant-based foods such as French fries and potato chips are considered plant-based foods. If you use a lot of oil for frying and it has a high sodium content. Therefore, fried foods and snacks should also be avoided as they can cause weight gain, high blood fat and the risk of heart disease.

Beware of malnutrition

Eating a plant-based diet can cause protein deficiency. which even though they get protein from plants but the amount may not be enough to meet your daily protein needs. Therefore, you should eat a variety of plant-based foods to get enough essential amino acids.

Additionally, people who consume plant base may lack other nutrients such as omega-3, calcium, vitamin B12, and iron. Therefore, you should eat a variety of plant-based foods such as beans, tofu, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and consult a pharmacist before taking vitamin supplements.

Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. People who consume Plant bases should eat plant foods that contain enough iron along with fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C to help the body absorb iron better. You should avoid certain beverages or foods that reduce the body's ability to absorb iron, such as tea, coffee, beer, and wine.

Eating a plant-based diet does not require you to strictly abstain from eating meat in order to be healthy. You should choose to eat food in a format that is convenient and suitable for you. People who are interested in eating Plant Base, especially those with chronic diseases. You should consult your doctor for advice on eating safely and getting complete and adequate nutrition for your body.

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