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Showing posts from March, 2024

Annual health examination and preparation

      Annual health examinations are very important at every age because of changes in people's lifestyle habits. Various external environmental factors, including some genetic diseases, all have an impact on health. Some diseases in the early stages do not show abnormal symptoms, such as high blood pressure, high blood fat, diabetes, etc. Annual health examinations are therefore useful in finding diseases or abnormal conditions. Including various risk factors to lead to prevention and treatment of disease at an early stage. Who should be examined and what health examinations should they receive? * Age range 0-18 years (children and teenagers) -General physical health check, weighing, height measurement and body mass index assessment. - Health examination, evaluation of the mouth and teeth -Receiving appropriate vaccines according to age. * Age range 20-30 years It is in the late teens and entering the working age. You should have regular health checks at least once a year. Check f

What causes a person to have no appetite?

Everyone has felt a loss of appetite and thought it was a minor issue, but it should not be overlooked because this condition can be a sign of many abnormalities in the body.   1. Anxiety Anxiety can reduce the appetite, but some people eat to help relieve this feeling. You may also find yourself feeling uneasy, irritable, unable to concentrate, nervous, wanting to cry, as well as feeling like you are breathing faster, your heart is racing, feeling light-headed, or feeling dizzy in your stomach. How to deal with it: If you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, you should see a doctor, practice breathing exercises , and exercise to relieve stress. 2. Depression If you suffer from depression , anorexia can be accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, sadness, guilt, low self-esteem, and anger at everyone. You may feel tired and anxious all the time. There may be thoughts of suicide. You will lose interest in things you used to like to do and lose interest in food. How to cope: In addition

What should I do to prevent anemia?

       Anemia is a condition in which the amount of red blood cells in the blood is less than normal. This causes the body to transport less oxygen than normal, resulting in abnormal symptoms such as tiredness and fatigue. This condition can be caused by many reasons, some of which are common in people and some of which may be caused by hidden diseases. The symptoms may be more or less different depending on the underlying disease. This includes the level of red blood cells in the body and the individual's ability to adapt to anemia. In people who have no symptoms at all, this condition may be discovered when they go for an annual blood test.   The World Health Organization (WHO) has established criteria for diagnosing anemia from: The amount of hemoglobin in the blood is as follows: Less than 13 g/dL in men Less than 12 g/dL in women Less than 11 g/dL in pregnant women Symptoms that may be seen in anemia What causes anemia? The causes of anemia It can occur for many reasons, which

Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis

   Rheumatoid is another important ailment that requires careful attention because of its severity and disability. If there is no proper treatment and the group at risk for this disease is still at a young age that many people don't expect. Factors that make the body more sensitive to disease Age : People of all ages can get rheumatoid arthritis, but the risk increases with age. Gender : Women are 3 times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. Genetics : If someone in the family has rheumatoid arthritis, the risk is higher. Disease triggering factors People with the above factors may not develop rheumatoid arthritis unless they are exposed to other triggers, including: - Smoking - Stress - Infections, especially periodontitis  Rheumatoid is a chronic inflammatory arthritis disease that can occur anywhere in the body. The area where the joint is inflamed will be swollen, red, tender, and when touched it will feel warmer or hotter than other locations. If left untreated, it wil

How to take care of yourself when you have an autoimmune disease

      SLE is an autoimmune disease that many people have but do not understand the true nature of the disease. It may be life-threatening if neglected and not treated. Let's get a proper understanding of this disease. What is autoimmune disease or SLE?         Autoimmune disease or SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) is a condition in which white blood cells do not work properly. Normally, white blood cells act to destroy germs, but in patients with autoimmune diseases, the white blood cells go back and destroy the body's own cells. This causes inflammation in the various organs that it destroys. Therefore, the symptoms that occur are caused by white blood cells attacking those organs. Autoimmune disease is caused by Genetics: If someone in the family has a history of this disease. The chance that children and grandchildren in the family will become sick with this disease is increased. The environment can also be a trigger for the development of autoimmune diseases. The importan

Be careful!! 7 danger signs that indicate cancer

      Cancer is a disease caused by abnormalities in genetic material within cells called genes. Certain conditions cause "cells" to undergo abnormal changes and become cancer cells.      Cancer cells can be passed on or inherited, or occur after the effects of certain chemicals or infections. It is related to the patient, carcinogens or germs, and the environment.       Therefore, people who experience severe stress and loss may become sick with cancer, because at that time the body's immunity will decrease. Including exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke , and charred grilled food. It can cause cancer in various parts of the body. In addition, having sex since adolescence or a young age increases the chance of cervical cancer as well.       Therefore, early detection of cancer is very useful because it treats cancer in its early stages. It will have very good treatment results and will prevent the patient from getting into advanced stage cancer. This will be life-thr

How to care for shingles rashes

      Shingles              1. Caused by the "Herpes" virus, formerly known as Varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox.              2.At first you will feel unwell, may have a fever, and body aches. Especially along the nerve that will develop into shingles. Some people may experience severe pain or burning pain for 3-4 days. Later, red rashes will appear in the area of pain and turn into clear blisters. Then there will be a cloudy yellow bump. They are usually arranged in long rows along the nerves and will break, gradually shrink until dry, and when they are healed. Later, there may be pain along the nerve.              3. Although we can detect this virus from the blisters, the first infection will be through breathing and a rash will appear as chickenpox first. Later, when the body was weakened, a rash like shingles recurred.              4.In most people Shingles occurs only once in a lifetime. Only a small percentage of people with abnorm

Practice meditation for mental health

Benefits of meditation  and how to meditate effectively Origin of meditation The practice of meditation has been around for many thousands of years. Initially the goal was tied to religion to achieve meditation and access to the mystical power of life. Times have changed and meditation has become a way to relieve stress and anxiety that we are all familiar with these days. Benefits of meditation Meditation is based on the principle of merging the body and mind. Makes those who meditate feel relaxed both physically and mentally. Even just a short period of meditation is quite beneficial and is also a technique that helps with mental and emotional therapy very well. -Increase awareness of things in front of you and be mindful of the present. -Open new perspectives in dealing with stressful situations -Increase stress management skills -Helps the brain be more clear. -Reduces negative emotions -Increase patience and tolerance -Promote imagination and creativity How to meditate effectively

Take care of your nervous system

  The nervous system controls perception and the body's responses. Its principle of operation is to send information from what is sensed in the form of electrical current to the organs that act as commands. Including the brain and spinal cord to allow the body to produce various responses. Functions of the nervous system   Sensory neurons are responsible for receiving information from the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin and sending the information to the brain for processing and response. It can be divided into different areas as follows : · Intelligence and memory · Basic bodily functions such as breathing, digestion. ·  Movement: The left brain controls the right side of the body and the right brain controls the left side of the body. · The 5 senses include sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The nervous system has many related tissues. If there is an abnormality in only one of these tissues. It will result in abnormal nerve signal reception and transmission. Examples of n

Home remedies for vertigo

 Vertigo is the sensation of the environment rotating or the feeling of oneself rotating. Even though we are still in the same place What diseases cause dizziness - vertigo? 1. Brain accident 2. Brain ischemia 3. Stress, anxiety 4. Lack of sleep, not getting enough rest. 5. Drink alcohol or certain types of drugs. 6. Inflammation of the inner ear 7. Menieres disease, which is a type of disease of the inner ear nerve. 8. Migraine headaches , some people also have dizziness - vertigo. 9. Tumors in the brain or ear 10. Moving quickly, for example, some people go to an amusement park or ride a fast-moving ride. People with vertigo may be able to control and relieve their symptoms at home in the following ways: -Move your head slowly and carefully while performing various activities. -When you start to feel dizzy, you should sit and rest immediately. -Sleep with your head slightly elevated or use two pillows. -Lie down in a quiet, dark room to relieve dizziness. -If you wake up in the middl

How to take care of yourself when you have osteoporosis?

      Osteoporosis is a disease in which the body's bone density and mass decrease. This causes bones to deteriorate, become brittle, deformed, and break easily. This makes it impossible to move normally and if there is a fracture of an important bone such as the spine, it may press on the nearby spinal cord. Therefore, it affects movement and may cause disability. Causes that cause osteoporosis -Not getting enough calcium, especially during childhood and adolescence, when bone density should be the greatest. -Causes due to heredity if family members such as grandparents have clear symptoms of osteoporosis. The chance that your child will have osteoporosis is as high as 80%. The remaining 20% depends on diet and exercise. - Smoking and drinking alcohol regularly will reduce the efficiency of calcium absorption in the body, causing bone deterioration. -Drinking a lot of coffee or beverages containing caffeine such as Coke, tea, etc., makes bones deteriorate more easily. -Estrogen

Parkinson's disease, dangerous tremors from degeneration of the nervous system

  What is Parkinson's?    It is a disease caused by having a neurotransmitter called dopamine in nerve cells that is less than normal in people. Resulting in abnormal movements, which are more common in the elderly but can also be found in middle-aged people.   The exact cause of Parkinson's disease is currently unknown. It is assumed that this is caused by a combination of factors including: - Genetic factors : Having a family history of Parkinson's disease. - Environmental factors : Exposure to toxins or chemicals such as heavy metals such as manganese and copper through contact, eating, inhalation, living in industrial areas, brain injuries. Obvious symptoms of Parkinson's patients Divided into 2 groups 1. Symptoms related to movement include: - Shake – Tense – Move slowly – Easy to fall – Hunchback – Difficulty walking 2. Symptoms not related to movement – Constipation - Nose can't smell – Sleepwalking – Depressed - Deteriorated memory Caring for Parkinson

7 ways to relieve knee pain at home

 Knee pain can occur for many reasons. Treatment methods will depend on the cause of the pain. Therefore, if pain occurs you should consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.If the cause is not serious, the patient can take care of it themselves. Causes of knee pain 1. Osteoarthritis This symptom can be found at any age. It is caused by cartilage in the knee deteriorating with age, injuries from sports or symptoms from rheumatoid disease, etc. 2. Knee pain around the patella (Patellofemaral Pain Syndrome) It is pain in the front of the knee bone where it connects to the thigh bone. It is most common among runners, jumpers, or people who exercise and have a heavy impact on their knees. 3. Lubricating fluid sacs around inflamed joints  It is a bag of lubricating liquid that helps reduce friction and impact on the shoulders, hips, and knees. This is caused by our behavior of being in a pressing position for a long time, such as squats, kneeling for a long time, etc. 4. Knee join

Hypothyroidism and obesity

Hypothyroidism…what is it?    It is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces less hormone than the body's normal needs, causing hormone deficiency. which manifests itself as various symptoms very physically Observable symptoms...when having hypothyroidism Tired, easily tired, slow to do things, cold Loss of appetite Constipation Gain weight Swollen face, swollen eyelids, hoarse voice, rough and dry skin, dry and falling hair. Muscle cramps Amnesia Slow pulse, high blood pressure High fat and cholesterol In women, there may be irregular menstruation. Children have short stature, low intelligence, and enlarged thyroid glands. Underactive thyroid gland...what causes it? -Iodine deficiency -It is chronic thyroiditis. -After treatment for hyperthyroidism with radioiodine or surgery -Taking excessive doses of medication to treat hyperthyroidism -Receiving certain drugs used to treat psychosis and heart disease -Disease of the pituitary gland or the brain itself after brain surgery