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Showing posts from April, 2024

Disease thinks itself sick (Hypochondriasis)

  Hypochondriasis is a disorder in which patients feel overly anxious and alert to abnormalities in their health. Thinking that you have a serious illness even though there is no abnormality or only a slight abnormality in general. Causes of Hypochondriasis Currently, the exact cause of Hypochondriasis is not known. Most cases are a chronic condition that begins in middle age and tends to worsen with age. It may be the result of exposure to violence or severe illness in childhood that may lead to anxiety later in life. Symptoms that qualify as an anxiety disorder -Preoccupied with thoughts of being seriously ill -Fear of getting a serious disease or health condition -Worried that minor symptoms will lead to serious illnesses -It's easy to panic about your health status. -Little or no confidence from a visit to the doctor or a negative test result -Worrying too much about a specific medical condition -Worried about serious illness because someone in the family has had such illness -

Ischemic heart disease and protection

    Ischemic heart disease is a condition in which the coronary arteries become narrowed or blocked, causing insufficient blood supply to the heart, which can lead to sudden death. Important risk factors for ischemic heart disease that can be corrected include: - Diabetes - High blood pressure -Hypercholesterolemia -Eating unhealthy and high-fat foods -Smoking -Lack of exercise -Being overweight or obese - Stress -Gender: Men are more at risk than women, and women are at increased risk as they reach menopause. -Age: Men age 40 years and up. For women, age starts from 55 years and up. -People with a family history of heart disease You must be careful with symptoms like this!! -Heart palpitations -Chest pain -Difficulty breathing -Nausea -Vomit -Sweating -Dizziness Danger signal...must see a doctor immediately!! -Pain in the center of the chest, slightly diagonally down towards the epigastric region. -Tight, uncomfortable, sometimes extending to the pharynx, left shoulder, elbow, left fo

How to prevent drug allergies

    Drug allergy is a reaction of the body's immune system to the use of drugs, including topical, oral and inhalant drugs. Drug allergies can be very dangerous and can even lead to death. Therefore, after using the medicine, there are abnormal symptoms. You should stop using the drug. and see a doctor immediately Types of drugs that often cause drug allergies Penicillin : antibiotic or anti-inflammatory disinfectant. Insulin : medicine to treat diabetes Aspirin : an anti-inflammatory drug, group NSAIDs Medicines for treating autoimmune diseases Corticosteroid creams and lotions Gout medicines such as allopurinol Anti-seizure drugs, such as carbamazepine and lamotrigine Tuberculosis medicine Chemotherapy for cancer patients Medicines for treating patients with HIV infection Persons at risk of drug allergies -People with abnormal immune systems -Leukemia patient - Autoimmune disease patients  - HIV infected patients Drug allergies can occur in many systems, including:            

Nausea and vomiting: When should you see a doctor?

    Normally, when we eat food, it moves along the digestive tract. Nutrients are digested and absorbed for use by the body. If vomiting occurs, the food that we eat instead of moving down the steps. Instead, it is forced to flow back from the stomach into the esophagus and is regurgitated through the mouth. Most of the time, before vomiting, nausea occurs first. What causes vomiting? 1. Gastrointestinal disorders such as chronic indigestion, blockage or cancer in the digestive tract , pancreatitis, etc. 2. Acute infectious diseases in children. 3. Nervous system disorders such as migraine headaches high intracranial pressure (which causes vomiting) abnormalities of the balance system in the inner ear (which causes motion sickness, seasickness) 4. Certain drugs and substances such as anesthesia and cancer treatment drugs. 5. Diseases related to the function of the endocrine glands and hormone levels in the body, such as morning sickness in pregnant women. 6. Some types of heart diseas

Bloating, a sign of disease

  Most people have probably experienced bloating, flatulence, distension, and colic after meals. These symptoms don't seem serious, but if they happen often and become chronic. It may be a warning sign that you are suffering from a disease that can have a negative effect on your health. If you have these behaviors! It may make you "bloated" -Improper eating, such as eating too much or eating too quickly -Eat salty food or high in sodium, such as bacon, ham, sausage -Eat foods that are difficult to digest, such as meat and fat. -Eat foods that cause gas, including beans, grains and cabbage. -Eating too much starchy foods such as pasta, spaghetti and noodles. -Drink lots of soda, soft drinks, sparkling wine and beer. -Incomplete chewing behavior How to prevent bloating? Preventing bloating depends on the cause. If it is not caused by a serious disease, it is most often caused by gas or wind in the digestive tract. You can prevent bloating by yourself as follows: 1. Avoid co

Abdominal pain on the right side is risky! Appendicitis

Inflammation in the appendix can be caused by a blockage within the appendix itself. The blockage can be small pieces of stool that have hardened, foreign objects, or cancerous tumors. This causes the appendix to become infected and swollen. Sometimes it can be caused by a gastrointestinal infection from a virus, bacteria, or parasite. Another cause is an upper respiratory tract infection that causes the lymph nodes within the intestinal wall to swell and block the appendix, causing appendicitis. Appendicitis can occur at any age, but is more common in people aged 10–30 years and may also occur in children aged 5 years and over. It is more common in males than females. People with a family history of appendicitis are at higher risk of developing this disease than the general population.   Warning signs of appendicitis -Abdominal pain around the navel and moving to the right side of the lower abdomen. - Bloating -Increased abdominal pain - Nausea vomiting -Pressing on the affected area

Prevention of cystitis

Cystitis is one of a group of urinary tract infections caused by bacterial infection from the area around the urethra. Risk factors that cause cystitis It mostly occurs in women more than men. This is because women have a short urethra that is close to the vagina and anus. This makes it easy for germs to enter the bladder through the urethra. While men have a longer urethra and are further away from the anus. The chance of germs passing into the bladder is much less. Including various risk factors as follows: 1. Holding urine for a long time will cause germs to grow well. Bacterial accumulation occurs, which easily leads to infection. 2. Elderly people due to poor hygiene in the genital area . Especially those who are sick with illnesses and cannot help themselves or those who lack someone to take care of them closely. Rarely moves, drinks little water, so urine stays stuck or pools in the bladder. Germs and bacteria grow well. 3. Pregnant women, as their gestational age increases, the

The location of abdominal pain can indicate disease

  Abdominal pain and the location of the pain can also indicate disease or abnormalities of the organ and different treatments. Let's take a look at where abdominal pain indicates what disease? Location 1: Pain under the right ribcage. It is the spot of the liver and gallbladder. If pressed it becomes a hard lump, jaundice means liver and gallbladder defects. If the pain is severe, you should see a doctor immediately. Location 2: Pain under the epigastric region. Pain under the epigastric region along with chest pain or tightness in the chest may be a sign of ischemic heart disease . Regular pain when hungry or full may be related to stomach disease. If the pain is severe or accompanied by vomiting, it may be pancreatitis. If you feel a large lump and is hard, indicating that the liver is enlarged. If a small flat triangular lump can be felt, it may be an epigastric bone. If bloating comes and goes for a long time, it may be gallstones. Position 3: Pain in the left rib area. It cor

What kind of abnormal symptoms are suspected of gastrointestinal cancer?

      Gastrointestinal cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. Common types of gastrointestinal cancer include liver cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. In general, gastrointestinal cancer is more common in males and the risk increases with age. The cause is a combination of genetics, health risk behaviors and environmental factors. Causes of cancer in the digestive system Factors that cause gastrointestinal cancer are divided into two main factors: - Factors of genetics, race, history of illness, having gastrointestinal cancer in the family or having had cancer in other organs before, such as ovaries, uterus, or breast. -Environmental factors and behavior in consuming food that contains carcinogens. It is commonly found in grilled foods, fermented foods such as salted fish, dried shrimp, shrimp paste, fermented fish, bacon, Chinese sausage, and smoking habits. Drinking alcohol is also an important risk factor. The following abnormal sym

Let's exercise for health

 Nowadays, exercise is receiving more and more attention from people of almost every gender and age. The purpose of exercise is different for each person. The benefits we receive from exercise are: 1. Good health 2. Growth during childhood will be good, making you taller. 3. The pulse decreases. 4. Stronger lungs and heart 5. Blood pressure drops 6.  Prevent diabetes. 7. Blood vessels are larger and less likely to become blocked. 8. Reduce fat levels in the blood vessels. 9. Increased blood flow to the brain and clear thinking. 10. Improved sexual performance 11. Reduce and relieve stress and depression. 12. Oxygen goes to every part of the body and mind. 13. Improved digestive and excretory systems. 14. Makes you sleep soundly and sleep longer 15. In the case of losing weight and controlling your diet, it will help more. 16. When you exercise continuously for about 15 - 20 minutes or more, your body releases endorphins, which makes your mind feel comfortable. It also helps strengthe

How to drink water to be good for your body?

  'Water' is an important component of the body because water makes up 60 percent of the body's weight. The body needs the right amount every day to maintain balance and use in various body processes. How much water to drink per day is enough? The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have given recommendations for drinking water as follows: -Women should drink approximately 2.7 liters per day (about 11.5 glasses). -Men should drink approximately 3.7 liters per day (about 15.5 glasses). Tricks for calculating water intake according to body weight [Weight x 2.2 x 30/2] /1000 = Water volume (liters) What time is the best time to drink water? -Drink 1 glass of water after waking up. -Late morning 2 - 3 glasses - 1 hour before lunch -In the afternoon, drink 2-3 glasses of water. -1 - 2 glasses before dinner -1 hour before bed Benefits of drinking water 1. Helps the skin to look healthy and radiant. 2. Water helps prevent wrinkles because it pre

Get a health check to cope with chronic disease risks.

      Chronic non-communicable diseases are not caused by germs and cannot be spread from person to person, but are diseases caused by habits or careless lifestyle behaviors that accumulate over time, which will affect the development of the disease. You cannot have chronic contact without realizing it. If care is not received correctly and in time, it will have a huge impact on the patient's life. Chronic non-communicable disease groups, for example - Diseases of the cardiovascular system , such as high blood pressure Coronary heart disease - Stroke - Diabetes - Various cancers - Chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema - Chronic kidney disease - Abdominal obesity - Cirrhosis - Dementia Who should get a health check for chronic diseases? - People aged 40 years and over - People with a family history of chronic disease - People who are overweight or obese - People with risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol  - People with con

Acute kidney failure

            Acute kidney failure is a condition in which kidney function declines rapidly. When doctors provide timely treatment, kidney function can recover better. The cause is loss of fluid from the body, such as severe vomiting or diarrhea, excessive blood loss from an accident or gastrointestinal bleeding and severe bloodstream infections.     Chronic kidney failure is a condition in which the kidneys slowly deteriorate continuously or have kidney abnormalities for more than 3 months. If end-stage chronic kidney failure occurs, they will not be able to recover and function as normal and must receive treatment. Treatment approaches such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplant surgery. The most common cause of chronic kidney failure is due to underlying diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Common causes of acute kidney failure -Severe fluid deficiency causing a lack of blood to the kidneys, such as severe diarrhea, accident patients who have lost a

Wrist tendonitis can be painful and can be cured if you take care of it properly.

 If you have ever felt a sharp pain in your wrist, pain, or swelling in your wrist. These symptoms should not be overlooked because they may lead to tendinitis in the wrist. Especially for people who use their wrists often, this article will invite everyone to get to know about tendonitis in the wrist. Tendonitis in the wrist or De Quervain's Tenosynovitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the tendon sheath and tendons in the wrist at the base of the thumb. This results in compression of the internal tendons, causing pain and swelling at the base of the thumb. Causes of De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Caused by using the hand or wrist in an inappropriate position or manner for a long period of time, having congenital diseases such as diabetes , rheumatoid disease , and thyroid hormone deficiency. These congenital diseases will reduce blood flow to the peripheral nerves or tendons, causing the tendons to easily become frayed and inflamed. Risk factors for sheath disease wrist