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Showing posts from February, 2024

14 ways to prevent Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis will cause chronic inflammation of the nasal tissue. When the body's  immune system reacts to allergens in the air such as dust mites, cockroaches, dog,  cat dandruff, mold, etc. Prevention of Allergic rhinitis  1. You should get at least 500 - 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C or fruits and  vegetables that contain vitamin C per day to help boost your immune system.  2. Get enough sleep . You should sleep at least 8 hours a day.       These easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep-apnea the very first night >> Click  3. Reduce stress levels because accumulated stress can cause allergies as well.  4. Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes a day, about 3 times a week. It helps to  maintain good health and strengthen the immune system. 5.Houses and residences should be kept open and clean. Especially in the  bedroom, there should be as much furniture as necessary. There are cabinets  used to neatly store various appliances. 6.You sho

Herniated discs that you should know

        Herniated disc: It is a disease caused by movement of the cervical disc. This is  in the form of damage or fluid inside that is like jelly coming out. If the fluid has not  yet pressed against the nerve roots in the back, it may only cause pain. When  does it press on the nerve root? There will be pain, numbness, and weakness as  well. Where does a herniated disc occur? Herniated discs can occur in spinal discs throughout the body. Whether it is in the  cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine, herniated discs are most often found in the lower  spine. - Each year, herniated discs occur in 1-3% of the population. - Found more in males than females in a ratio of 2:1. - The most common age group is 30-50 years old (Gen X, Gen Y). Risk factors for herniated discs 1. Being overweight     Allowing yourself to gain too much weight , especially abdominal obesity This will  result in the back having to bear a lot of weight. This causes the back to arch and  the lower spine to bear weight all

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

  Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a condition in which thinking about a particular  matter too much results in behavior that repeats the thought. For example, turning  off the bathroom lights or washing hands frequently etc. The patient will not be able  to restrain himself from doing it. When you do this, you will feel relieved before you  start worrying again. What causes obsessive-compulsive disorder?   - Brain function and the abnormal nervous syste m affects the feelings expressed.  - It can occur from genetics. If someone in the family has this disease, it increases  the risk.  - Most environments or events that have been encountered are severe events that  affect one's life. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder  - Obsessive-compulsive disorder is thinking about one thing over and over but still  not deciding to take action. For example, thinking a lot about whether you forgot to  close the door or not when you left the house.  - Obsessive-compulsive disorder involves d

Depression that we need to know

  What is depression?    Depression is a symptom of a mood disorder. This affects the patient in terms of  thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Depression is a state of continuously depressed  mood and a feeling of apathy. Ignoring things that affect your ability to function on a  daily basis can be difficult or life can feel meaningless.   Depression is not a physical discomfort or uneasiness that can be easily shaken  off. Patients with depression should receive continuous and long-term treatment,  such as medication or psychotherapy or both. It will help most patients get better  again. What causes depression? Major depressive disorder is a psychiatric disorder that occurs from an abnormality  or imbalance of three types of neurotransmitters in the brain: serotonin,  norepinephrine, and dopamine. It will affect the patient both physically and  mentally. Therefore, it is necessary to receive proper treatment from a psychiatrist. Check 25 risk symptoms of depression 1. Sad or feeling unh

7 Ways to cure boredom from work For people who are running out of energy

       Many working people are asking this question in their minds. Some people vent their feelings on social media, as is often seen. Even though I have a satisfactory position and salary, I feel tired and bored from work for no reason. Until causing problems in work, so today will bring you to add fuel to work for you. 1. Find the root cause of boredom at work.    The important thing in finding the cause is to look at both the positive and negative aspects. Don't be self-centered and think that everything else is always bad. Sometimes the real reason for being bored at work may come from ourselves. Once the root cause of the problem has been found, we will proceed to find a solution next. 2. Check to make sure it's "bored with work" or "bored with people"   There have been research results from many places. who once said that There are many people who decide to quit their job. In fact, it is caused by people at work. Some people are even forced to give u

Coping with suffering to prevent disease from spreading

    It is normal for people to face difficult times, both physical and mental, at some  point in their lives. Whether we like it or not, suffering is a part of human life.  Experiencing various difficulties that arise can change the way of thinking and new  perspectives. Walt Disney said, “All suffering Every problem and obstacle that I  have ever faced in my life. Make me stronger... You may not realize it when it  happens, but painful disappointment might be the best thing this world has to offer  you.” What is the suffering that occurs in life?     Suffering is a difficult or unpleasant event that affects the psyche ,Severe  emotions and feelings. such as experiencing a disaster Loss of a loved one Loss of  property, loss of job, serious illness, divorce, etc. When faced with these various  difficult events, people are unable to use traditional ways of managing or solving  problems effectively. Resulting in severe stress and distress. Over a long period of  time, it may increase t

Constipation and difficulty passing bowel movements, what should I do?

  Constipation is a condition in which the intestines are cramped or move slowly, unable to remove stool from the digestive tract normally. Remains in the large intestine for a long time. When the body reabsorbs water in the feces. This causes the stool to be dry, hard, and large, making it difficult to excrete. Constipation: What are the causes? 1. Constipation is caused by insufficient fiber intake. Eating a diet low in fiber is a major cause of constipation. Fiber helps increase the weight and size of your stool. This makes it easier to pass through the digestive system. If you don't eat enough vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, it can make your bowel movement difficult. 2. Constipation is caused by dehydration. Drinking not enough water is what your body needs. This can result in dehydration and make it more difficult for the digestive system to function properly. When the body is dehydrated, the body sucks water from the large intestine. This makes the stool dry, h

The negative effects of screen addiction

    Excessive use of digital media in adults, including using computers, using phones, watching television or using tablets. It can have a negative effect on health, so you should limit your screen time so that it doesn't affect your health too much. Effects of excessive screen time - weight gain   The more time spent in front of the screen, the more weight you gain. Just 2 hours of watching television each day can increase your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It is caused by associated behaviors such as not getting enough sleep and eating fussy things while using a screen. - Eyesight problems Staring at a screen for a long time is a cause of Computer Vivan Syndrome. This disease is characterized by fatigue from using the eyes, dry eyes, blurred vision, burning eyes, inability to fight light, headaches , and nausea and vomiting. - Aches and pains in the back Improper sitting when using a screen can cause neck strain, back pain , arm pain, shoulder pain and ankle degene

What are the causes of fatigue?

The cause of being tired and exhausted throughout the day is that some people can find the cause, but for others they can't. Some people sleep normally but when they wake up in the morning they feel not refreshed or energized. Today we will tell you the various reasons. That may cause fatigue along with how to fix it. Our bodies will then come back strong and have a bright and refreshed mood as before. - Not enough sleep  Getting enough quality sleep is essential to health. While sleeping, the body releases hormones that are necessary for cell growth and repair. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society recommend that adults get at least 7 hours of sleep per day. An environment that is not conducive to sleep, stress, or illness can disrupt sleep. It makes you wake up and feel not refreshed, feel sleepy and tired during the day. People who have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep and waking up at night may suffer from insomnia. The Insomnia Program&

Foods that reduce high blood pressure

  What is high blood pressure? High blood pressure is the pressure inside the arteries. Which is caused by the contraction of the heart to pump blood to various parts of the body. It can be measured in 2 values: – Systolic blood pressure : is the blood pressure value while the heart contracts. – Diastolic blood pressure : is the blood pressure value while the heart relaxes.                       Automatic Blood Pressure Machine , Two User 1000 Mem >>Learn more For high blood pressure, the measured value will be greater than or equal to 140/90 mmHg. This can cause various complications such as heart disease, stroke , or kidney failure , etc. The food that we eat every day can help reduce blood pressure, but it should be food that contains 3 essential minerals: potassium, magnesium, and calcium , which are found in these foods.                     How to lower blood pressure using these 3 easy exercises>>Learn more Beef tenderloin     You should choose to eat the lean part

5 easy tips to manage stress yourself

      Stress is an emotional and emotional state that is stimulated by pressure, fear,  and anxiety until it affects the physical, mental, emotional, and emotional state. You  begin to use your brain to think and analyze things more, causing stress as you are  beginning to destroy the functioning of your nervous system and brain. It causes  abnormal functioning of various systems within the body. There is abnormal  production or secretion of hormones, physical fatigue, irritable bowel function, and   prolonged headaches . Moreover, it is the main cause of stress and insomnia .                Calm Essential Oil Roll On Blend – Stress Relief Gifts for Women>> Click 1. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day.       The main reason that often causes our moods to fluctuate is stress that affects  the body and mind. The cause is insufficient rest or the body not getting enough  sleep. It makes our physical and mental state tired, causing excessive hormone  secretion that cau